Câu 1: In the past, many women were not allowed _____ to college.
A. to
B. to go
C. going
D. gone
Câu 2: In India, a baby's gender _____ to be very important to the family.
A. considers
B. can consider
C. can be considered
D. has considered
Câu 3: 2015 marked the first year when women were more likely to have a university degree than men, and thi trend is _____ the rise.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
Câu 4: In some ways, women _____ to stick to outdated gender norms.
A. could still pressure
B. could pressure still
C. could still be pressure
D. could be still pressured
Câu 5: Most women try _____ work and fumily, but that balance is seldom equal.
A. balancing
B. fo balance
C. being balanced
D. to be balanced